*Please note that this event does not involve contact with DXTEEN members. *6 DXTEEN members will be seated. All 6 people will write a signature for each customer in turn. *Customers can talk to DXTEEN members during the specified time while they are writing their signatures. Even if you are in the middle of a conversation, the staff will call out and guide you when it is time. * During the event, the staff may touch the customer's body or luggage to guide them. Please apply only if you can accept this. * Only business card-sized (or palm-sized) pin badges that can be attached to clothes are allowed. Nameplates hanging around the neck, paper fans, handwritten paper, etc. are prohibited. Depending on the item, we may ask you to refrain from using it at the discretion of the staff. * It is also possible to post the state of the event taken while waiting on SNS. Participating customers should be aware that other customers may post their back view on SNS before applying. *Please refrain from making members carry things, wear headbands, hats, glasses, etc. In addition to this, we will refuse any acts that the staff judges to be NG. * When the waiting time is over and you move in front of the members for the autograph session, please put all your luggage on your own chair. * Please manage your luggage and valuables at your own risk. Please note that we are not responsible for any damages such as theft or loss. *Customers are free to wear their own clothes, but please refrain from wearing clothes that are too revealing or offensive to public order and morals. * After the autograph session with the members is over, you can take your seat again and watch the event until the end, just like you were waiting. *Please refrain from bringing gifts or letters as they cannot be received. *Recording/video recording/shooting outside of waiting time is strictly prohibited. The use of auxiliary equipment for photography is also prohibited. If you do any of the above, your data will be deleted on the spot. The staff will also warn you if you act like you are filming. *Event details are subject to change without notice. Please note. *Please be sure to follow the instructions of the staff at this event. If you do not comply, you may be asked to leave. *The event may be canceled if an act contrary to the precautions is found. *Please note that various restrictions may be set at the event to prevent accidents and confusion on the day. *The venue, organizers, and performers are not responsible for any accidents, theft, etc. that occur at the event. Please manage your valuables by yourself. Please note that we do not store your luggage. *Umbrellas and parasols are not allowed to be brought into the event venue. (Anything that fits in a bag, such as a foldable bag, is acceptable.) *In order to ensure the safe operation of this event, the organizer may refuse participation to customers who are deemed unsuitable for participating in the event. Please note. *If it is judged to be dangerous to hold the event due to the circumstances of the artist, sudden stormy weather, strong winds, etc., or if it is judged impossible to hold the event due to force majeure such as equipment failure at the venue, natural disasters, traffic strikes, traffic delays, etc. We will cancel, suspend or change. Even in that case, we will not refund the purchased product. Please note. *If the staff finds you disturbing other customers, you will be asked to leave the venue. Please note that we cannot accept returns or refunds for products in that case. *Participation in the event by customers who are drinking or in possession of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. In that case, please note that we cannot accept the return or refund of the product. *On the day of the event, there may be cases where cameras are used for coverage. Please note that customers may appear in the video. *Transportation and accommodation expenses on the day will be borne by the customer. *Please refrain from waiting outside the venue for artists to enter or leave the venue, as this may cause inconvenience to the neighbors. In addition, please do not stay in the venue facilities or near the venue before or after the event gathering time. *You cannot re-enter after exiting. * It is prohibited to wait for performers to enter or exit. *Please do not accumulate on the public roads near the venue or in the shared spaces of the facilities. In addition, it is prohibited to wait around the venue from early in the morning to enter or exit. *If you have any health issues, please let us know in advance using the contact information below, or ask the staff at the venue on the day of the event. [Contact information] *Please refrain from direct inquiries to the venue. Rakuten Books https://books.faq.rakuten.net/s/ask ■ LAPONE Entertainment Co., Ltd. ▼ Inquiry form http://dxteen.com/feature/ inquiry*We cannot reply to all inquiries. Thank you in advance for your understanding. *Depending on the content of the inquiry, it may take several days to reply. *Business hours: 11:00-18:00 (excluding weekends and holidays)' data-wovn-src:-original-content='DXTEEN 2ND SINGLE『First Flight』の発売を記念して、TFTホール1000での楽天ブックス限定イベント「プレミアム全員サイン会」の開催が決定いたしました。楽天ブックスにて、2023年9月6日(水)発売のDXTEEN 2ND SINGLE『First Flight』を対象期間内にご予約いただいた方の中から抽選で50名様をご招待します。<イベント概要>【出演者】DXTEEN(ディエックスティーン)【日程】2023年10月22日(日)※開催日程は変更になる可能性がございます。※会場への集合時間・開催時間については、ご当選された方のみにご連絡させていただきます。【会場】TFTホール1000(東京都江東区有明3-4-10 TFTビル西館2F)【イベント内容】「プレミアム全員サイン会」DXTEENメンバー全員とのファンサイン会(ペンサ)となります!※本イベントでは、DXTEENメンバー全員と1人ずつ連続でのサイン会となります。待機中は動画・写真撮影が可能です。待機中以外の時間の録音/録画/撮影は禁止いたします。※サインは、DXTEEN 2ND SINGLE『First Flight』のCDジャケット(いずれの形態でも可)に行います。お客様ご自身でご購入されたものをご持参ください。<イベントへの参加方法>対象期間内に楽天ブックスにて、[プレミアム全員サイン会 抽選対象]と書かれている対象商品DXTEEN 2ND SINGLE『First Flight』のいずれかをご予約いただいた方の中から抽選でご招待いたします。【対象店舗】・楽天ブックス▶ご予約はこちら(https://r10.to/hN7CrM)【対象商品】2023年9月6日(水)発売DXTEEN 2ND SINGLE『First Flight』●初回限定盤A【CD+DVD】価格:¥1,700(税込)/品番:YRCS-90232●初回限定盤B【CD+DVD】価格:¥1,700(税込)/品番:YRCS-90233●通常盤【CD ONLY】価格:¥1,200(税込)/品番:YRCS-90234※楽天ブックスにて、[プレミアム全員サイン会 抽選対象]と書かれている商品が対象となります。※いずれも初回プレス限定封入特典は封入されています。※[プレミアム全員サイン会 抽選対象] と書かれている商品をご予約の方にも、先着で<楽天ブックスオリジナル特典『PPマルチケース(ソロ全6種のうちランダム1種)>をお付けします。【対象期間】2023年8月10日(木)12:00~2023年8月20日(日)23:59 抽選結果通知日程:2023年8月31日(木)夕方頃※なお、2023年8月10日(木)12:00以前に、楽天ブックスでご予約いただいているDXTEEN 2ND SINGLE『First Flight』は、[プレミアム全員サイン会 抽選対象]ではございません。[プレミアム全員サイン会 抽選対象]と書かれていない商品をご予約済のお客様は、一度キャンセルしてから、再度[プレミアム全員サイン会 抽選対象]と書かれている商品をご予約ください。※本イベントに参加をご希望のお客様は、楽天ブックスにて必ず商品名に[プレミアム全員サイン会 抽選対象]と書かれている対象商品のいずれかをご予約ください。[プレミアム全員サイン会 抽選対象]と商品名に書かれていない商品をご予約のお客様は抽選の対象外となりますのでご注意ください。【ご応募について】※ご応募は、対象商品のご予約とともに自動で受付完了となります。※対象商品1枚の予約で1口応募となります。抽選方式につき、複数口ご予約されても落選する場合もございます。※抽選結果通知は当選・落選に関わらずメールにてご連絡させていただきます。ドメイン指定等の設定をされている方は、ドメイン「@mkrm.rakuten.co.jp」「@faq.rakuten.co.jp」からのメールが受信できるように設定変更をお願いいたします。ただし、複数口ご予約の場合で当選されたお客様には、当選分のご連絡のみで落選のご連絡はいたしません。※抽選結果通知日程のメール配信タイミングは目安のため、前後する可能性がございます。※抽選結果通知日程の翌日になっても抽選結果のメールが届かない場合や、イベント参加用QRコードが正しく表示されない場合はお手数をおかけいたしますが以下よりお問い合わせください。(お問い合わせはこちら⇒https://books.faq.rakuten.net/s/ask)※上記応募期間以外はご応募いただけません。あらかじめご了承ください。※対象商品はクレジットカード決済限定にてご注文を承ります。クレジットカードをお持ちでない場合はお申し込みいただくことができません。何卒ご容赦ください。※対象商品は、下記のスケジュール以降はキャンセルができませんので、あらかじめご了承ください。▶2023年8月21日(月)00:00以降※商品の受け取り拒否等があった場合、今後のDXTEEN関連イベントへのご参加をお断りさせていただく場合がございます。※同一人物による複数の会員登録(複数アカウント作成)は禁止です。複数アカウントでのイベント応募/参加が発覚した際は不正行為とみなし、イベント参加をお断りさせていただくと共に、今後のDXTEEN関連イベントへのご参加を一切禁止させていただきます。<イベント当日の注意事項>・本イベントは、当選されたご本人様のみの参加となります。いかなる場合においても同伴者の参加はできかねます。ただし、未就学児のお子様に限り会場内へのご同伴が可能です。・本イベントは列が途切れ次第で終了とさせていただきます。・本イベントでは、参加権利1回分につき1回のみご参加いただけます。・イベント中、ご当選されたお客様は終了時間までご着席いただき、サイン会の様子をご観覧いただけます。したがって、ご当選はお1人様1回となり、複数当選はございませんので、ご了承ください。・本イベントでは待機中の時間に限り、動画・写真撮影が可能です。待機中以外(メンバーとの対面中を含む)の時間の録音/録画/撮影は一切禁止いたします。万が一発見した場合、またスタッフの指示に従っていただけない場合は、途中退場およびカメラ・携帯電話等撮影機器の没収、データの消去をさせていただきます。撮影については、必ずスタッフの指示に従ってお楽しみください。・三脚の使用、席を立ち上がっての撮影、席の移動、SNS等での生中継といったストリーミング行為は禁止とさせていただきます。・スマートフォン、携帯電話、デジタルカメラ等いずれの機器もご使用になれますが、フラッシュ撮影および三脚や自撮り棒、大きな望遠レンズを使用した撮影は周囲のお客様へのご迷惑となりますのでご遠慮ください。・当日の判断で急遽撮影を不可にさせていただく場合がございますのであらかじめご了承ください。・撮影した画像や動画につきまして、収益化を目的とした動画投稿や商業目的での利用は不可となります。・DXTEENの肖像や名称を利用した非公式なグッズを作成、販売をすることは禁止いたします。▼イベント当日、会場に必ずご持参いただくもの(①~③)※いずれか1つでもお忘れの場合はご参加いただけません。①楽天ブックスよりご案内したQRコード(スクリーンショットや印刷されたものは不可)※ご当選された方には「イベント参加用QRコード」を楽天ブックスより、10月13日(金)にメールでご案内いたしますので、イベントご参加時に必ずお客様のスマートフォン・タブレットに送付された「イベント参加用QRコード」をご持参ください。(スクリーンショットやプリントアウトしたQRコードでは入場できません)※「イベント参加用QRコード」を表示するため、ご入場時にはインターネットに接続できるスマートフォン・タブレットが必要です。事前にしっかりとスマートフォン・タブレットの充電や起動等のチェックをお願いします。スマートフォン・タブレットの充電切れ・故障等の対応はいたしかねます。※通信(速度)制限などにより、インターネットにアクセスできないためにQRコードが表示できない場合でもスタッフ側での対応はできかねます。あらかじめご注意ください。※抽選結果通知日程の翌日になっても抽選結果通知のメールが届かない場合や、「イベント参加用QRコード」が正しく表示されない場合は、お手数をおかけいたしますが以下よりお問い合わせください。(お問い合わせはこちら⇒https://books.faq.rakuten.net/s/ask)※一度使用したQRコードの再使用はできません。②DXTEEN 2ND SINGLE『First Flight』CDジャケット(いずれの形態でも可)※当日のサインは、ご購入いただいたDXTEEN 2ND SINGLE『First Flight』各形態のCDジャケットに書かせていただきますので、必ずご自身でCDジャケットをご持参ください。なお、サインを書き終えたCDジャケットはスタッフからお渡しします。③有効な身分証明書※当日は会場受付でご本人様確認をさせていただきますので、楽天ブックスより送付されたQRコード付きのメールに記載されたお名前と同一のお名前が記載された身分証明書を必ずお持ちください。以下の身分証明書を有効といたします。※ご本人確認ができない場合や、身分証明書を持参されていない場合は、入場をお断りさせていただきます。&nbsp;≪有効な身分証明書について≫▼「顔写真付き本人確認書類」①パスポート②運転免許証③顔写真付き学生証※名前が手書きの学生証の場合は下記(a)〜(f)の1点、もしくは名前が印字されているもの1点を当日ご用意ください。※19歳以上の方の学生証は顔写真付きであっても、認められませんのでご注意ください。④マイナンバーカード※個人番号が見えない、専用のカードケースをご利用ください。⑤住民基本台帳カード⑥障害者手帳・身体障害者手帳(顔写真付き)・精神障害者保健福祉手帳(顔写真付き)・療育手帳(顔写真付き)⑦在留カード⑧特別永住者証明書①〜⑧をお持ちでない場合は、下記(a)〜(f)の2点、もしくは(a)〜(f)の1点と名前が印字されているもの1点以上で確認をします。どちらも名前のみのものの2点はNGとなりますのでご注意ください。(a)保険証(b)住民票の写し(c)戸籍謄本(d)戸籍抄本(e)印鑑登録証明書(f)年金手帳▼名前が印字、刻印されている物の例社員証顔写真のない学⽣証(顔写真がない学生証で、名前が手書きのものはNGとなります)クレジットカードキャッシュカード診察券※公共料⾦(電気、⽔道など)請求書や各種郵便物の類いは、名前が印字されたものであっても不可となります。※マイナンバーの通知カード(顔写真なし)も不可となります。※外国籍の方は、明確に本人と確認できる「パスポート」を必ずご用意ください。※외국 국적이신 분은 명확한 본인확인을 위해 여권을 반드시 준비해주세요.※Foreign customers will need valid passport for identification.※全てにおいて、コピー/手書き/期限切れ/使用不可の細工が施してあるものは不可となります。※本人確認書類の細工・偽造、偽造した本人確認書類の使用は全て犯罪行為です。<イベント実施中の注意事項>※本イベントはDXTEENメンバーとの接触が発生するものではございませんので、あらかじめご了承ください。※DXTEENメンバー6名は着席します。順番に6名全員がお客様1人ずつにサインを書いていきます。※お客様はDXTEENメンバーがサインを書いている際、規定の時間内であればメンバーとお話をすることができます。会話の途中でもお時間になりましたらスタッフのほうからお声がけし、ご誘導させていただきます。※イベント中、スタッフがお客様のお身体やお荷物などに触れて誘導する場合がございます。このことをご了承いただけるお客様のみご応募ください。※名札やネームプレートは、名刺サイズ(または手のひらサイズ)のピンバッジ系で、洋服に装着するもののみ可といたします。首掛けのネームプレート・うちわ・手書きの用紙などは禁止とさせていただきます。ものによってはスタッフ判断で使用をご遠慮いただく可能性もございます。※待機中に撮影したイベントの様子をSNS投稿することも可能です。ご参加されるお客様は、後姿がほかのお客様にSNS投稿される場合もあることをご了承のうえ、お申し込みください。※メンバーにものを持たせたり、カチューシャや帽子、眼鏡を着用させたりするなどの行為はご遠慮いただきます。これ以外にもスタッフ側でNGと判断した行為はお断りさせていただきます。※待機時間が終わり、サイン会のためメンバーの前に移動する際、お荷物はすべてお客様ご自身の椅子に置いていただきます。※お荷物や貴重品の管理は、自己責任にてお願いいたします。盗難・紛失等の被害につきましては、一切の責任を負いかねますのでご了承ください。※お客様の衣装はご自由ですが、過度な露出など公序良俗に反する衣服はご遠慮ください。※メンバーとのサイン会が終わった後は、再度ご着席いただき、待機中と同様に終演までイベントをご観覧いただくことができます。※プレゼントやお手紙は受け取ることができませんので、ご持参はご遠慮ください。<その他注意事項>※待機中以外の時間の録音/録画/撮影は一切禁止いたします。また撮影用補助機材の使用も禁止します。上記のような行為をされた場合、データをその場で消去させていただきます。撮影しているとみなされる行為をした場合もスタッフから注意をさせていただきます。※イベント内容は予告なく変更になる可能性がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。※本イベントでは必ずスタッフの指示に従ってください。従っていただけない場合はご退場いただく場合がございます。※注意事項に反する行為が見受けられた場合、イベントを中止させていただく場合がございます。※当日の事故・混乱防止のため、イベントでは様々な制限を設けさせていただくことがありますので、あらかじめご了承ください。※イベントで発生した事故・盗難等は会場・主催者・出演者は一切責任を負いません。貴重品の管理は各自でお願いいたします。お客様のお荷物もお預かりしておりませんので、ご了承ください。※イベント会場内への傘・日傘の持ち込みは禁止となっております。(折りたたみ等の鞄の中に入るものであれば可)※本イベントの安全な運営の為、主催者側がイベントに参加するにふさわしくないと判断したお客様にはご参加をお断りする場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。※アーティスト都合および急な荒天・強風などで実施が危険と判断された場合、または会場の設備故障や天災、交通ストライキ・交通遅延など不可抗力の事由により実施不可能と判断された場合は、イベントを中止もしくは中断・変更いたします。その場合でもご購入いただいた商品の払い戻しは、一切行いません。あらかじめご了承ください。※他のお客様への迷惑行為をスタッフが発見した場合、会場内よりご退場いただきます。その際の商品のご返品・ご返金は対応できかねますので、あらかじめご了承ください。※飲酒している、アルコール類を所持しているお客様のイベントへの参加は固くお断りいたします。その際、商品のご返品・ご返金は対応できかねますので、あらかじめご了承ください。※イベント当日、取材等によりカメラが入る場合がございます。お客様が映り込むこともございますのでご了承ください。※当日の交通費・宿泊費等はお客様のご負担となります。※近隣の方へご迷惑となりますので、会場外でのアーティストの入り待ち、出待ち等の待機行為はご遠慮ください。また、イベント集合時間前・終了後は会場施設内や会場付近にとどまらないようお願いいたします。※退場後の再入場はできません。※出演者の「入り待ち」「出待ち」は禁止といたします。※会場付近の公共の道路や、施設の共有スペースにたまらないようにしてください。また、会場周辺での早朝からの入り待ち・出待ち等の行為は禁止とさせていただきます。※お体などにご事情がある場合は、以下の<お問い合わせ先>に事前にお知らせいただくか、当日会場でスタッフにお申し付けくださいませ。【お問い合わせ先】※会場への直接のお問い合わせはご遠慮ください。〈販売方法、購入者への配信メールに関する問い合わせ〉●楽天ブックスhttps://books.faq.rakuten.net/s/ask■株式会社LAPONEエンタテインメント▼お問い合わせフォームhttp://dxteen.com/feature/inquiry※すべてのお問い合わせにご返信することはできません。あらかじめご了承の程、お願い申し上げます。※お問い合わせ内容によってはお返事に日数がかかる場合がございます。※営業時間:11:00~18:00(土日祝日は除く)'> DXTEEN 2ND SINGLE "First Flight" Release Commemorative Event Limited to Rakuten Books! <10/22 (Sun) TFT Hall 1000>

DXTEEN 2ND SINGLE "First Flight" Release Commemorative Event Limited to Rakuten Books! <10/22 (Sun) TFT Hall 1000>



In commemoration of the release of DXTEEN 2ND SINGLE "First Flight", Rakuten Books limited event "Premium All Members Autograph Session" will be held at TFT Hall 1000.

Rakuten Books will invite 50 people by lottery from those who have reserved the DXTEEN 2ND SINGLE "First Flight" released on September 6, 2023 (Wednesday) within the target period.

<Event Overview>




Sunday, October 22, 2023

*The schedule is subject to change.

*Only the winners will be contacted regarding the meeting time and holding time at the venue.


TFT hole 1000

(2F TFT Building West Building, 3-4-10 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo)

[Event content]

"Premium Autograph Session"

It will be a fan signing event (pensa) with all DXTEEN members!

*This event will be a consecutive autograph session with all DXTEEN members one by one. You can take videos and photos while waiting. Recording/video recording/shooting outside of waiting time is prohibited.

*Signing will be done on the CD jacket of DXTEEN 2ND SINGLE "First Flight" (any form is acceptable). Please bring your own purchases.

<How to participate in the event>

During the target period, Rakuten Books will invite by lottery from among those who have reserved one of the target products DXTEEN 2ND SINGLE "First Flight" written as [Premium All Autograph Session Lottery Target].

[Target store]

・Rakuten Books

▶ Click here for reservations (https://r10.to/hN7CrM)


Released on Wednesday, September 6, 2023


●First Press Limited Edition A [CD+DVD] Price: ¥1,700 (tax included)/Item number: YRCS-90232

●First Press Limited Edition B [CD+DVD] Price: ¥1,700 (tax included)/Product number: YRCS-90233

●Regular edition [CD ONLY] Price: ¥1,200 (tax included)/Part number: YRCS-90234

* Products marked as [Premium all-member autograph session lottery target] on Rakuten Books are eligible.

*Both first press limited inclusion benefits are included.

*Even those who have reserved a product that says [Premium all-member autograph session by lottery] will receive <Rakuten Books original bonus "PP multi case (1 random out of 6 solo types)> on a first-come, first-served basis. Masu.

[Target period]

August 10, 2023 (Thursday) 12:00 to August 20, 2023 (Sunday) 23:59

Lottery result notification schedule: Around the evening of Thursday, August 31, 2023

*Please note that the DXTEEN 2ND SINGLE "First Flight" that has been pre-ordered on Rakuten Books before 12:00 on August 10, 2023 (Thursday) is not eligible for the [Premium All-Around Autograph Session Lottery].

If you have already reserved a product that does not say [Premium all members autograph session by lottery], please cancel it once and then make a reservation again for a product that says [Premium all members autograph session by lottery].

*Customers who wish to participate in this event must make a reservation for one of the target products whose product name is written as [Premium all-member autograph session lottery target] on Rakuten Books.

Please note that customers who have reserved a product that is not written as [Premium all-member autograph session lottery target] will not be eligible for the lottery.

[About application]

*Applications will be automatically accepted together with the reservation of the target product.

* One reservation for one target product will be applied for one unit. Due to the lottery system, even if you make multiple reservations, you may not be selected.

*We will contact you by email regardless of whether you win or lose the lottery result. If you have specified domains, please change the settings so that you can receive emails from the domains "@mkrm.rakuten.co.jp" and "@faq.rakuten.co.jp".

However, customers who have been selected for multiple reservations will only be contacted for the number of winnings and will not be notified of their loss.

*The email delivery timing for the lottery result notification schedule is a guideline and may change.

*If you do not receive the lottery result email by the day after the lottery result notification schedule, or if the QR code for participating in the event is not displayed correctly, please contact us from the following.

(Click here for inquiries ⇒ https://books.faq.rakuten.net/s/ask)

*You cannot apply outside the above application period. Please note.

*Orders for the target products are accepted only for credit card payments. If you do not have a credit card, you cannot apply. Please accept our apologies.

* Please note that the target products cannot be canceled after the schedule below.

▶ After 00:00 on Monday, August 21, 2023

* If you refuse to receive the product, we may refuse to participate in future DXTEEN related events.

* Multiple member registrations (creating multiple accounts) by the same person are prohibited. If you apply for or participate in an event with multiple accounts, we will consider it a fraudulent act and refuse to participate in the event, as well as prohibiting you from participating in any future DXTEEN related events.

<Notes on the day of the event>

・This event is only for the person who won the lottery. Accompanying persons are not allowed to participate under any circumstances. However, preschool children can be accompanied in the venue.

・This event will end as soon as the line breaks.

・In this event, you can participate only once per participation right.

・During the event, customers who have won the lottery can stay seated until the end of the event and watch the autograph session. Therefore, please note that each person can win only once, and multiple winners will not be accepted.

・In this event, you can take videos and photos only during the waiting time. Recording/recording/photography during times other than waiting (including face-to-face with members) is strictly prohibited. In the unlikely event that you find it, or if you do not follow the staff's instructions, we will leave the venue, confiscate shooting equipment such as cameras and mobile phones, and erase data. Please be sure to follow the instructions of the staff when taking pictures.

・It is prohibited to use a tripod, stand up from your seat to take a picture, change your seat, or live stream on SNS.

・You can use any device such as smartphones, mobile phones, digital cameras, etc. However, please refrain from using flash photography, tripods, selfie sticks, and large telephoto lenses as they may disturb other customers.

・Please note that we may suddenly refuse to take pictures at the venue.

・It is not possible to post videos for the purpose of monetization or use for commercial purposes regarding the images and videos taken.

・It is prohibited to create and sell unofficial goods that use DXTEEN's portrait or name.

▼What you must bring to the venue on the day of the event (①~③)

*If you forget even one of them, you will not be able to participate.

① QR code provided by Rakuten Books (screenshots and printed items are not acceptable)

*For those who have won the event, Rakuten Books will inform you of the "QR code for participating in the event" by e-mail on Friday, October 13th, so be sure to send it to your smartphone / tablet when participating in the event. Please bring "QR code for event participation". (Screenshots or printed out QR codes will not be accepted)

*A smartphone or tablet that can connect to the Internet is required at the time of admission in order to display the "event participation QR code". Please make sure that your smartphone/tablet is fully charged and activated in advance. We will not be able to respond to smartphones and tablets that run out of battery or break down.

*Even if the QR code cannot be displayed due to Internet access restrictions due to communication (speed) restrictions, etc., the staff will not be able to respond. Please be careful.

*If you do not receive the lottery result notification email by the day after the lottery result notification schedule, or if the "QR code for participating in the event" is not displayed correctly, please contact us from the following.

(Click here for inquiries ⇒ https://books.faq.rakuten.net/s/ask)

*The QR code once used cannot be reused.

②DXTEEN 2ND SINGLE "First Flight" CD jacket (any form is acceptable)

*The signature on the day will be written on the CD jacket of each form of DXTEEN 2ND SINGLE "First Flight" you purchased, so please be sure to bring the CD jacket by yourself. The staff will hand over the signed CD jacket.

③ Valid ID

*On the day of the event, we will check your identity at the reception desk, so be sure to bring an ID card with the same name as the name listed in the email with the QR code sent from Rakuten Books. please. The following IDs are valid.

*If your identity cannot be confirmed or if you do not bring your ID, we will refuse admission.


≪Regarding a valid ID≫

▼ “Identity verification document with face photo”


②Driver's license

③Student ID card with face photo

*If you have a student ID with a handwritten name, please prepare one of the items (a) to (f) below or one with your name printed on it on the day of the event.

*Please note that student ID cards for those over the age of 19 will not be accepted, even if they have a photo.

④ My number card

*Please use a special card case that hides your personal number.

⑤ Basic Resident Register card

⑥Disability certificate

・Physical disability certificate (with face photo)

・Mental Disability Health and Welfare Notebook (with face photo)

・ Nursing notebook (with face photo)

⑦Residence card

⑧Special Permanent Resident Certificate

If you do not have ① to ⑧, check with two items (a) to (f) below, or one item from (a) to (f) and at least one item with your name printed on it. Please note that 2 points of both names only will be NG.

(a) Insurance card

(b) Copy of resident card

(c) family register

(d) Family register extract

(e) Seal registration certificate

(f) Pension book

▼Examples of items with names printed and engraved

staff identity card

Student ID card without face photo

credit card

Cash card

Patient registration card

*Utility bills (electricity, water, etc.) bills and various types of postal items are not acceptable, even if they have your name printed on them.

* My number notification card (without face photo) is also not acceptable.

*If you are a foreign national, please be sure to prepare your "passport" so that you can clearly identify yourself.

※외국 국적이신 분은 명확한 본인확인을 위해 여권을 반드시 준비해주세요.

※Foreign customers will need valid passport for identification.

*In all cases, copies/handwritten/expired/impossible-to-use items will not be accepted.

*Manipulating or forging identity verification documents, or using forged identity verification documents are all criminal acts.

<Precautions during the event>

*Please note that this event does not involve contact with DXTEEN members.

*6 DXTEEN members will be seated. All 6 people will write a signature for each customer in turn.

*Customers can talk to DXTEEN members during the specified time while they are writing their signatures. Even if you are in the middle of a conversation, the staff will call out and guide you when it is time.

* During the event, the staff may touch the customer's body or luggage to guide them. Please apply only if you can accept this.

* Only business card-sized (or palm-sized) pin badges that can be attached to clothes are allowed. Nameplates hanging around the neck, paper fans, handwritten paper, etc. are prohibited. Depending on the item, we may ask you to refrain from using it at the discretion of the staff.

* It is also possible to post the state of the event taken while waiting on SNS. Participating customers should be aware that other customers may post their back view on SNS before applying.

*Please refrain from making members carry things, wear headbands, hats, glasses, etc. In addition to this, we will refuse any acts that the staff judges to be NG.

* When the waiting time is over and you move in front of the members for the autograph session, please put all your luggage on your own chair.

* Please manage your luggage and valuables at your own risk. Please note that we are not responsible for any damages such as theft or loss.

*Customers are free to wear their own clothes, but please refrain from wearing clothes that are too revealing or offensive to public order and morals.

* After the autograph session with the members is over, you can take your seat again and watch the event until the end, just like you were waiting.

*Please refrain from bringing gifts or letters as they cannot be received.

<Other precautions>

*Recording/video recording/shooting outside of waiting time is strictly prohibited. The use of auxiliary equipment for photography is also prohibited. If you do any of the above, your data will be deleted on the spot. The staff will also warn you if you act like you are filming.

*Event details are subject to change without notice. Please note.

*Please be sure to follow the instructions of the staff at this event. If you do not comply, you may be asked to leave.

*The event may be canceled if an act contrary to the precautions is found.

*Please note that various restrictions may be set at the event to prevent accidents and confusion on the day.

*The venue, organizers, and performers are not responsible for any accidents, theft, etc. that occur at the event. Please manage your valuables by yourself. Please note that we do not store your luggage.

*Umbrellas and parasols are not allowed to be brought into the event venue. (As long as it can be folded and put in a bag, it is acceptable.)

*In order to ensure the safe operation of this event, the organizer may refuse to participate in customers who are deemed unsuitable for participating in the event. Please note.

*If it is judged to be dangerous to hold the event due to the circumstances of the artist, sudden stormy weather, strong winds, etc., or if it is judged impossible to hold the event due to force majeure such as equipment failure at the venue, natural disasters, traffic strikes, traffic delays, etc. We will cancel, suspend or change. Even in that case, we will not refund the purchased product. Please note.

*If the staff finds you disturbing other customers, you will be asked to leave the venue. Please note that we cannot accept returns or refunds for products in that case.

*Participation in the event by customers who are drinking or in possession of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. In that case, please note that we cannot accept the return or refund of the product.

*On the day of the event, there may be cases where cameras are used for coverage. Please note that customers may appear in the video.

*Transportation and accommodation expenses on the day will be borne by the customer.

*Please refrain from waiting outside the venue for artists to enter or leave the venue, as this may cause inconvenience to the neighbors. In addition, please do not stay in the venue facilities or near the venue before or after the event gathering time.

*You cannot re-enter after exiting.

* It is prohibited to wait for performers to enter or exit.

*Please do not accumulate on the public roads near the venue or in the shared spaces of the facilities. In addition, it is prohibited to wait around the venue from early in the morning to enter or exit.

*If you have any health issues, please let us know in advance using the contact information below, or ask the staff at the venue on the day of the event.


*Please refrain from direct inquiries to the venue.

<Inquiries about sales methods and e-mails sent to buyers>

●Rakuten Books


■ LAPONE Entertainment Co., Ltd.

▼Inquiry form


*We cannot reply to all inquiries. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

*Depending on the content of the inquiry, it may take several days to reply.

*Business hours: 11:00-18:00 (excluding weekends and holidays)