<6/30(日)追記>DXTEEN 1ST ALBUM『Quest』リリース記念イベント「Dance On! DXTEEN!」開催!<6/30(日)名古屋・アスナル金山>



DXTEEN 1ST ALBUM『Quest』の発売を記念して、2024年6月30日(日)にオープンスペースでのリリースイベントを開催することが決定しました!


<Outline of the 1st Album "Quest" Release Commemorative Event "Dance On! DXTEEN!">



[Date and time]

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Part 1: 13:00~

Part 2: 16:00~


Asunal Kanayama 1F Tomorrow's Square

(1-17-1 Kanayama, Naka-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture)


2F 新星堂 アスナル金山店 店内


[Event content]

・ミニライブ&CD予約特典会「Good Luck! 招きNICO会」

[CD sales start time on the day of the event]


*It may change depending on the situation on the day.

[CD sales location]

アスナル金山 1F明日なる!広場 特設会場CD即売ブース

[Contents of privilege meeting]

By making a reservation for the target product, you can participate in the following special events.

* The purchase benefits at this event are limited to the following. First-come-first-served benefits by chain are not included.



→ 先着でミニライブ終了後の「Good Luck! 招きNICO会」にご参加いただけます!

※「Good Luck! 招きNICO会」は、ミニライブ終了後お客様がメンバー全員と直接ご対面しながらコミュニケーションを交わせるお見送り会となります。いつもDXTEENに幸運をもたらしてくれる招き猫のような存在のNICOへ!ぜひ一緒にDXTEENとNICOのこれからの幸運を願い合いましょう!ミニライブの感想など会話をぜひお楽しみください。

※「Good Luck! 招きNICO会」中は立ち止まらずに、歩いてお進みください。

*Please note that direct contact with members such as handshakes and high fives is not possible.

※「Good Luck! 招きNICO会」のご参加人数には限りがございます。あらかじめご了承ください。

※「Good Luck! 招きNICO会」は、NICOのみなさんがより会話を楽しんでいただけるよう、時間設定をSINGLEリリースイベント時のお見送り会とは一部変更しております。



Release date: Wednesday, July 17, 2024


●初回限定盤A【CD+DVD】価格:¥3,500 (税込)/品番:YRCS-95121


●通常盤【CD ONLY】価格:¥2,800(税込)/品番:YRCS-95123

*Both first press limited inclusion benefits are included.

[Event viewing method]

The event itself can be viewed free of charge, but a <<priority viewing area>> will be set up in front of the venue stage. To enter the ≪Priority Viewing Area≫, you will need a "Priority Viewing Area Entrance Numbered Ticket".


* There are two types of "Priority Viewing Area Admission Ticket": 1st and 2nd copies. Either 1 copy or 2 copies will be given up to 1 per person per transaction.

*Please note that the reference number for the "priority viewing area admission ticket" will be distributed at random.

*After the distribution of the "Priority Viewing Area Entrance Numbered Ticket" ends, only the "Special Event Participation Ticket" will be handed over.


* "Priority viewing area admission ticket" and "privilege event participation ticket" will be discontinued as soon as the specified number is reached.


* In order to have as many people as possible participate in the special event, we may set an upper limit on the number of products that can be purchased at one time. Please check the details at the venue on the day. (The maximum number of tickets may change depending on how busy the day is.)



(Please note that the columns may be moved depending on the situation.)


*When viewing the ≪Priority Viewing Area≫, customers in front may be seated in a chair so that many customers can enjoy it.


Priority viewing area line-up: 12:30

Event start: 13:00


Priority viewing area line-up: 15:30



「優先観覧エリア入場整理券」をお持ちの方は、イベント開始30分前に、アスナル金山1F成城石井 横通路にお集まりください。

Please enter the <<priority viewing area>> in order of reference number.


*If you are entering with someone accompanying you, please enter according to the number behind you.

[Precautions when purchasing]


※ご予約方法につきましては、店舗受取り(新星堂アスナル金山店)、または配送(配送代900円)をお選び 頂けます。


・お支払は、現金か、予約用紙記載の QR コードを読み取って頂き、STORES にてクレジットカード、キャリア決済、Paypal、楽天 Pay、PayPay 残高払い、での決済が可能です。 ・各種ポイントカード、金券、クーポン等はご利用頂けません。 ・駐車券発行の対象外とさせて頂きます。

*No refunds, product changes or returns are possible after purchase. Defective products will be replaced with non-defective products.

※なお、通信状況によっては電子マネー決済がご利用いただけなくなる場合もあります。その場合は現 金のみでの対応とさせて頂きます。予めご理解ください。




※「新星堂アスナル金山店」での商品お受け取りは、7月16日(火)夕方以降を予定しております。配送便 の関係でお受け取り開始が遅くなることもございますのであらかじめご了承ください。

※商品のお渡しは、2024年7月16日(火)午後以降から2024年8月15日(木)閉店までの4週間とさせて 頂きます。それまでにご連絡頂けない場合、予約キャンセルとみなし、既にお支払い頂いている予約代 金は返金しないものと致します。



*On the day of the event, video and photo cameras will be installed and customers may be reflected. Please note.


なお、CD予約特典会「Good Luck! 招きNICO会」にご参加される際は、スマートフォン等をしまっていただくようお声がけさせていただきます。あらかじめご了承ください。



*Please note that if the "priority viewing area admission ticket" or "privilege party participation ticket" is lost, stolen, or damaged, it will not be reissued.

* After purchase (after the time of payment), you cannot change the desired venue for the "priority viewing area admission ticket" and "privilege event participation ticket". Please be sure to check whether there is any.

* Forgery of "priority viewing area admission ticket" and "privilege party participation ticket" is a criminal act. We will take appropriate measures as soon as we find out.

* "Priority viewing area admission ticket" and "privilege meeting participation ticket" are purchase benefits only on the day of the event.



Additionally, the use of parasols is prohibited.

* The privilege party will end as soon as the line is broken.

※ミニライブ観覧時、DXTEENのオフィシャルグッズ(BIG UCHIWA)よりサイズが大きいと思われる、うちわ、自作ボード、スケッチブック、音が出る応援グッズ等の持込を禁止とさせていただきます。




*The start time may change depending on the situation on the day. Please note.

*In any case, we cannot cancel or refund the product due to the customer's own circumstances. Please note. If the product is defective, we will exchange it for a non-defective product after confirmation.

* Eating, drinking and smoking are prohibited at the event venue. For smoking, please use the designated smoking area.

*In order to prevent heatstroke, regardless of whether you are participating in the event indoors or outdoors, please wear light clothing and a hat, bring cold drinks such as sports drinks, and keep yourself hydrated. .

*The venue will be in a commercial facility, and many customers will not be able to participate in the event. Please keep this in mind.

*Sitting or causing a nuisance in front of each store or near the stage is strictly prohibited.

*Please cooperate in securing space for passage.

*It is prohibited to bring in dangerous goods or alcoholic beverages, or to participate in the special party while under the influence of alcohol.


*Staff may guide customers by touching their shoulders and arms during special events. Please only participate in the special event if you agree with this.

*The event may be canceled or members may be changed or absent due to weather, trouble, or artist circumstances. Additionally, the content of the event may change due to circumstances. Please note that no refunds will be given in this case.

*Please refrain from contacting the event venue. It may cause event cancellation.

* Event participants are anti-social forces, etc. (organized crime groups, gang members, right-wing groups, anti-social forces, and other similar persons; the same shall apply hereinafter), or maintain, operate, or manage anti-social forces, etc. through funding or other means. If the organizer determines that the person has some sort of interaction or involvement with anti-social forces, such as cooperating with or participating in shall be





※手荷物、レジャーシート、その他を使用しての場所取り行為や荷物等を置いてのお連れ様の方の場所取りや後からお連れの方がいらしての割り込みはアスナル金山内、全てのエリアで禁止といたします。 発見次第、スタッフ及び警備により随時撤去させていただきます。







LAPONE Entertainment Co., Ltd.

