About membership

Are there email addresses that cannot be used for registration?

The following are not compliant with the RFC (Request for Comments), a globally common Internet communication standard, and cannot be used in principle.

▼E-mail address not compliant with RFC
1. When symbols other than "-", "_", ".", "+", "?", and "/" are included

2. When symbols are used consecutively for two or more characters

3. If the symbol is used at the beginning and end (just before @)

Four. If the part before @ is 64 characters or more

Five. If the entire email address is longer than 256 characters

If you are using an e-mail address that includes the relevant character string, please register again with a different e-mail address.
[AOL] [tac-net.ne.jp] [i-younet.ne.jp] email addresses cannot be registered due to the special environment.

▼ [icloud.com] domain address
According to Apple's regulations, e-mails sent from this site may be judged as "emails against Apple's local policy" and may be refused to receive e-mails.

If you do not have an e-mail address, please obtain a free e-mail address such as Gmail or Yahoo.


If the above example does not solve your problem, please contact us using the form below.

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