• DATE



  • 05.18SAT

  • Zepp Osaka Bayside

  • OPEN / START17:30 / 18:30

Kyodo information
0570-200-888 (11:00-18:00 / excluding Sundays and holidays)


  • DATE



  • 06.06THU

  • Zepp Fukuoka

  • OPEN / START17:30 / 18:30

0570-09-2424 (平日・土曜11:00〜15:00)


  • DATE



  • 追加公演06.09SUN

  • Zepp DiverCity Tokyo

  • OPEN / START13:00 / 14:00

  • SOLD OUT 06.09SUN

  • Zepp DiverCity Tokyo

  • OPEN / START17:30 / 18:30



  • 1st floor standing: 7,700 yen (tax included)
  • 2nd floor reserved seat: 7,700 yen (tax included)
  • A drink fee (separately 600 yen) will be charged.
  • A separate play guide fee will be charged.
  • チケットの発券方法は受付ごとに異なります。
  • Fees apply for ages 3 and over, no entry for children under 3.
  • Each person can apply for up to 4 tickets per performance.


Reception period


Winner announcement


Deposit period



Applicant: DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course members

Accompanying person: Anyone can apply, including members and non-members (PID required)

Admission/number limit

Fees apply for ages 3 and over, no entry for children under 3.

Each person can apply for up to 4 tickets per performance.

Inquiries regarding tickets

Ticket Pia:

Please search for your inquiry using the URL above, and if you have any questions, please contact us using the inquiry form.

Inquiries regarding electronic tickets

Business hours | Weekdays 11:00-12:00 / 13:30-18:00


  • Tickets will be issued using the "DXTEEN official app". An official app is required to issue electronic tickets.
  • 追加公演につきましてはサウンドチェック見学の抽選は対象外となります。
  • これから月会費まとめて払いコースにご入会・コース変更される方もお申し込み可能です。
  • If you change from Monthly Membership Fee Course to Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course within the same month, the membership fee for both courses will be charged only in the first month.


Reception period


Winner announcement


Deposit period



Applicant: Anyone who is a member of DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB (regardless of course)

Accompanying person: Anyone can apply, including members and non-members (PID required)

Admission/number limit

Fees apply for ages 3 and over, no entry for children under 3.

Each person can apply for up to 4 tickets per performance.

Inquiries regarding tickets

Ticket Pia:

Please search for your inquiry using the URL above, and if you have any questions, please contact us using the inquiry form.

Inquiries regarding electronic tickets

Business hours | Weekdays 11:00-12:00 / 13:30-18:00


  • Tickets will be issued using the "DXTEEN official app". An official app is required to issue electronic tickets.
  • Those who are about to join DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB can also apply.

追加公演ぴあ いち早プレリザーブ(国内受付のみ、ぴあカード会員限定)

Reception period


Winner announcement


Deposit period



申込者:「ぴあNICOSカード」に新規入会申し込みをしたぴあ会員 or すでにぴあNICOSカード・ぴあJCBカードをお持ちの「ぴあプレミアム会員」(DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB会員の方でなくてもお申し込みいただけます。)


Admission/number limit

Fees apply for ages 3 and over, no entry for children under 3.

Each person can apply for up to 4 tickets per performance.

Inquiries regarding tickets

Ticket Pia:

Please search for your inquiry using the URL above, and if you have any questions, please contact us using the inquiry form.

Inquiries regarding electronic tickets

Business hours | Weekdays 11:00-12:00 / 13:30-18:00

  • Tickets will be issued using the "DXTEEN official app". An official app is required to issue electronic tickets.



Reception period


Winner announcement


Deposit period





Admission/number limit

Fees apply for ages 3 and over, no entry for children under 3.

Each person can apply for up to 4 tickets per performance.

Inquiries regarding tickets

Ticket Pia:

Please search for your inquiry using the URL above, and if you have any questions, please contact us using the inquiry form.

Inquiries regarding electronic tickets

Business hours | Weekdays 11:00-12:00 / 13:30-18:00

  • Tickets will be issued using the "DXTEEN official app". An official app is required to issue electronic tickets.



Reception period

4/15(月)12:00 より各プレイガイドにて受付開始
詳細は各プレイガイドごと、下記URL よりご確認ください。

  • 受付プレイガイドにより、受付期間、発券方法等が異なりますので、お申し込みの際には各プレイガイドの受付ページをよくお読みの上お申し込みください。


Reception period

5/25(土)10:00~ ※予定枚数に達し次第終了となります。




Admission/number limit

Fees apply for ages 3 and over, no entry for children under 3.

Each person can apply for up to 4 tickets per performance.

Seat type


  • 受付プレイガイドにより発券方法等が異なりますので、お申し込みの際には各プレイガイドの受付ページをよくお読みの上お申し込みください。


Reception period

Domestic: 1/19 (Friday) 10:00-2/4 (Sunday) 23:59

Overseas: 1/22 (Monday) 12:00 to 2/4 (Sunday) 23:59

Winner announcement

2/9(Fri) 13:00

Deposit period

2/9 (Fri) 13:00 - 2/18 (Sun) 23:59


Applicant: DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course members

Accompanying person: Anyone can apply, including members and non-members (PID required)

Admission/number limit

Fees apply for ages 3 and over, no entry for children under 3.

Each person can apply for up to 4 tickets per performance.

Inquiries regarding tickets

Ticket Pia:

Please search for your inquiry using the URL above, and if you have any questions, please contact us using the inquiry form.

Inquiries regarding electronic tickets

Business hours | Weekdays 11:00-12:00 / 13:30-18:00


  • Tickets will be issued using the "DXTEEN official app". An official app is required to issue electronic tickets.
  • DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB We will hold a lottery for the sound check tour on the day of ticket purchase for FC members who purchased the tickets in advance. Accompanying persons who are not FC members are not eligible.
  • Those who are about to join or change courses to the monthly membership fee lump sum payment course can also apply.
  • If you change from Monthly Membership Fee Course to Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course within the same month, the membership fee for both courses will be charged only in the first month.


Reception period

2/5 (Monday) 12:00-2/18 (Sunday) 23:59

Winner announcement

2/22(Thu) 13:00

Deposit period

2/22 (Thu) 13:00 - 3/3 (Sun) 23:59


Applicant: Anyone who is a member of DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB (regardless of course)

Accompanying person: Anyone can apply, including members and non-members (PID required)

Admission/number limit

Fees apply for ages 3 and over, no entry for children under 3.

Each person can apply for up to 4 tickets per performance.

Inquiries regarding tickets

Ticket Pia:

Please search for your inquiry using the URL above, and if you have any questions, please contact us using the inquiry form.

Inquiries regarding electronic tickets

Business hours | Weekdays 11:00-12:00 / 13:30-18:00


  • Tickets will be issued using the "DXTEEN official app". An official app is required to issue electronic tickets.
  • Those who are about to join DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB can also apply.

ぴあ いち早プレリザーブ(国内受付のみ、ぴあカード会員限定)

Reception period


Winner announcement


Deposit period



申込者:「ぴあNICOSカード」に新規入会申し込みをしたぴあ会員 or すでにぴあNICOSカード・ぴあJCBカードをお持ちの「ぴあプレミアム会員」(DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB会員の方でなくてもお申し込みいただけます。)


Admission/number limit

Fees apply for ages 3 and over, no entry for children under 3.

Each person can apply for up to 4 tickets per performance.

Inquiries regarding tickets

Ticket Pia:

Please search for your inquiry using the URL above, and if you have any questions, please contact us using the inquiry form.

Inquiries regarding electronic tickets

Business hours | Weekdays 11:00-12:00 / 13:30-18:00

  • Tickets will be issued using the "DXTEEN official app". An official app is required to issue electronic tickets.



Reception period


Winner announcement


Deposit period





Admission/number limit

Fees apply for ages 3 and over, no entry for children under 3.

Each person can apply for up to 4 tickets per performance.

Inquiries regarding tickets

Ticket Pia:

Please search for your inquiry using the URL above, and if you have any questions, please contact us using the inquiry form.

Inquiries regarding electronic tickets

Business hours | Weekdays 11:00-12:00 / 13:30-18:00

  • Tickets will be issued using the "DXTEEN official app". An official app is required to issue electronic tickets.



Reception period


Winner announcement


Deposit period





Admission/number limit

Fees apply for ages 3 and over, no entry for children under 3.

Each person can apply for up to 4 tickets per performance.

Inquiries regarding tickets

Ticket Pia:

Please search for your inquiry using the URL above, and if you have any questions, please contact us using the inquiry form.

Inquiries regarding electronic tickets

Business hours | Weekdays 11:00-12:00 / 13:30-18:00

  • Tickets will be issued using the "DXTEEN official app". An official app is required to issue electronic tickets.



Reception period

3/4( 月) より順次開始

  • 公演ごとに受付プレイガイドや受付期間、発券方法等が異なりますので、お申し込みの際は各プレイガイドの受付ページをよくお読みの上お申し込みください。


Reception period

4/20(土)10:00~ ※予定枚数に達し次第終了となります。




Admission/number limit

Fees apply for ages 3 and over, no entry for children under 3.

Each person can apply for up to 4 tickets per performance.


5/18(土) 大阪・Zepp Osaka Bayside

6/6(木) 福岡・Zepp Fukuoka

  • 6/9(日)18:30開演 東京・Zepp DiverCity Tokyo公演は先行受付で予定枚数を終了したため一般発売は行いません。ご了承ください。
  • [追加公演]6/9(日)14:00開演 東京・Zepp DiverCity Tokyo公演の一般発売は後日ご案内いたします。

Seat type


  • 受付プレイガイドにより発券方法等が異なりますので、お申し込みの際には各プレイガイドの受付ページをよくお読みの上お申し込みください。





2024年5月2日(木)12:00 〜 各公演の前日11:59まで

  • 公演日によってトレード開始日時が異なります。



  • トレード対象となるのはDXTEEN公式アプリ発券のチケットとなり、一部対象外の先行がございます。詳細は購入時のご案内をご確認ください。
  • 公式トレード以外の転売、譲与は禁止となります
  • 公式トレードはチケプラのシステムを使用いたします

Click here for details








当日、会場に掲示されているPOPのQR コードからアクセスしてご参加ください。


大阪・Zepp Osaka Bayside/11:00~17:00予定


福岡・Zepp Fukuoka/11:00~17:00予定


東京・Zepp DiverCity Tokyo/ 9:00~12:30/14:00~17:00予定

  • 開演中・サウンドチェック(予定)および終演後の引き換えは行いませんので、あらかじめお時間に余裕をもってお越しください。
  • 公演のチケットをお持ちでない方も参加可能です。
  • 権利を転売するなどの行為が発生した場合は企画自体を中止する可能性があります。
  • 当日ご入会された方も対象となります。
  • DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUBブースの位置については当日、会場の案内をご確認ください。
  • サウンドチェック中・開演中(東京追加公演)はDXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUBブースをを閉めさせていただく場合もございます。予めご了承ください。

DXTEEN賞:Meet&Greet 概要

DXTEENメンバー全員との“First Flight DXTEEN!”にご招待(1日2公演の会場は第2部終演後)

  • 当イベントはDXTEENメンバーとの接触やサイン、記念撮影等の予定はございません。また、プレゼントも受け取ることはできませんので、あらかじめご了承ください。
  • “First Flight DXTEEN!”ご招待に当選された方はDXTEEN 1ST ALBUM『Quest』予約キャンペーンでのご当選者様と合同でのご参加となります。あらかじめご了承ください。

<“First Flight DXTEEN!”に関する注意事項>

  • 当イベントの集合時間や集合場所などの詳細は、当選者の方へのみ別途ご案内いたします。
  • 実施場所は、会場によって異なります。
  • 当イベントは「2024 DXTEEN 1ST ONE MAN LIVE TOUR 〜START OF THE QUEST〜」各公演終演後の実施となります。ただし、6月9日(日)の東京公演については、18:30開演の公演終演後に実施いたします。
  • 当選したお客様にご案内する様々な事項および参加条件に従っていただけない場合、イベントへの参加をお断りすることがございますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
  • 各日公演チケットは不要です。公演チケットをお持ちでない方も参加可能となります。
  • “First Flight DXTEEN!”の実施時間をご確認の上、抽選会にご参加ください。
  • 集合時間に遅れた場合には、“First Flight DXTEEN!”にご参加いただけないことがございます。その場合は、当選無効となりますのでご注意ください。
  • 当日の状況によって開始時間が急遽変更になる場合や、ご案内開始までお時間をいただく場合もございます。お客様の帰路(終電時刻等)については一切の責任を負いかねますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
  • 開始が遅延した場合の交通費、宿泊費等は補償いたしかねます。
  • 当日、諸事情により万が一イベント内容が変更、もしくは中止になった場合、振り替え対応等はできかねますのであらかじめご了承ください。
  • ご本人様都合による不参加の場合も、ファンクラブ会費等の返金はできませんので、あらかじめご了承の上ご参加ください。
  • “First Flight DXTEEN!”参加権利の転売行為、コピー、偽造は固く禁止します。転売等によって入手した券は無効とします。
  • “First Flight DXTEEN!”の当選権利は、当選日にのみ有効となります。他の日程での使用は出来ません。
  • “First Flight DXTEEN!”は当選されたご本人様のみの参加となります。いかなる場合においても同伴者の参加はできかねます。
  • 当日ご当選者様には、身分証明書をご持参いただき、ご本人確認の上ご参加いただきます。いただいた個人情報は、LAPONEエンタテインメント、吉本興業、Fanplusで共有いたします。あらかじめご了承ください。また、個人情報は本イベントの用途以外の使用はいたしません。
  • 当日“First Flight DXTEEN!”の模様を撮影させていただく可能性がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。
  • ご当選者様による携帯電話・ビデオカメラ等での録音・録画・撮影は一切禁止となります。“First Flight DXTEEN!”開始前には携帯電話の電源をお切りいただきますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
  • お客様、アーティストの安全を第一に考え、防犯上、手荷物検査、手荷物の一時預かりをさせていただく場合がございます。
  • 当日は係員およびスタッフの指示に従ってください。従っていただけない場合、参加をお断りすることや、またやむを得ず“First Flight DXTEEN!”を中止にする可能性もございます。
  • 会場内で係員およびスタッフの指示および注意事項に従わずに生じた事故については、主催者は一切責任を負いません。
  • 諸事情により当日のメンバーが変更、又は中止となる場合もございます。その場合でも日程振替等はございません。あらかじめご了承ください。
  • イベント参加者が、反社会的勢力等(暴力団、暴力団員、右翼団体、反社会的勢力、その他これに準ずる者。以下同じ)または資金提供その他を通じて反社会的勢力等の維持、運営もしくは経営に協力もしくは関与する等、反社会的勢力等と何らかの交流もしくは関与を行っていると主催者が判断した場合、主催者はその者に対するイベントへの参加を拒否することができるものとします。
  • 有効な身分証明書について※顔写真付きのものであれば、1点をご持参ください。以下がその対象となります。
  • 全てについてコピーは不可です。有効期限内の現物をご持参ください。(1) パスポート(2) 運転免許証/国際運転免許証(3) 写真付き公的免許証(船舶・航空・建築士 他)(4) 住民基本台帳カード(5) 身体障害者手帳(6) マイナンバーカード(通知カードは不可)(7) 精神障害者保健福祉手帳(8) 写真付き保険証(9) 写真付き学生証(10)療育手帳
  • 個人番号カード(マイナンバーカード)を身分証明書として利用される際は、表面(写真のある方)のみをご提示ください。裏面(個人番号が印字された面)を提示されないようご注意ください。なお、本人確認の際に、個人番号カード(マイナンバーカード)の裏面を見ることはありません。
  • 個人番号(マイナンバー)の通知カード(個人番号が印字された写真のない紙のカード)は身分証明書として使用できません。
  • Please note that student ID cards for those over 19 years old will not be accepted, even if they have a photo of the person's face.
  • If you have a student ID/insurance card that does not have a photo on it, please see <If you do not have one with a photo>.
  • ご本人確認書類に関し、コピー/手書き/期限切れ/使用不可の細工が施されているものは不可となりますのでご注意ください
  • 顔写真付きのものをお持ちでない場合※公的証明書を2点お持ちください
  • 公的証明書1点だけではご入場できません。
  • 公共料金請求書(電気/水道等)や、各種郵便物は、名前が印字されたものであっても無効となります。
    上記のコピー、手書き、有効期限切れのもの、各種ポイントカード、 電気、水道、ガス等公共料金の請求書・各種郵便物の類
  • Lending or borrowing health insurance cards is prohibited by law.
  • The use of forged or forged identification is a criminal act.


公演日当日に「DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB」の月会費まとめて払いコースに新規入会された方、およびお友達を「DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB」にご紹介いただいた月会費まとめて払いコースの会員の方で【公演当日FCブースにお越しいただいた方】に特典として、ここでしか手に入らない前髪クリップをプレゼント!

この機会に「DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB」にご入会いただき、前髪クリップをGETして下さい!





new membership

「DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB」月会費まとめて払いコースに新規入会された方

  • 月会費コース・同月内の月会費からのコース変更は対象外です


お友達を「DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB」に紹介いただいたご紹介者の方
(=「DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB」に登録済の月会費まとめて払いコースの会員の方)

  • 月会費コースは対象外です。月会費からのコース変更は対象となります
  • 月会費コースにご登録されている方で、これから月会費まとめて払いコースにグレードアップしていただき、お友達をご紹介いただいた方も対象です
  • お友達を紹介してくださった既存会員様は"新規ご入会者様とご一緒に各公演会場にご来場いただきFCブースにお越しいただいた方のみ"が対象となります
  • いずれの場合も月会費コースの方は対象外です



  • ①会場内に掲示するラミネートからQRコードを読み取って、【新規ご入会者用】ページから引き換え画面を表示
  • ②FCブースにお越しいただく
  • ③スタッフ確認後、プレゼント
  • ご紹介者の方がいらっしゃる場合は、ご一緒にFCブースへお越しください。
  • 入会対象期間(5/18~6/9)のみ引換え可能となります


  • ①ご紹介いただいた方と一緒にFCブースにお越しいただく
  • ②会場内に掲示するラミネートからQRコードを読み取って、【ご紹介者用】ページから引き換え画面を表示
  • ③スタッフ確認後、プレゼント
  • ご紹介いただいた新規ご入会の方がお二人の場合、前髪クリップを2セット差し上げます。
  • 引き換えは1日1回となります。別々のタイミングで別の新規入会された方とお越しになられても前髪クリップはお渡しできません。必ずご紹介者と新規ご入会された方、全員お揃いになってから引き換えブースにお越しください。



大阪・Zepp Osaka Bayside/11:00~17:00予定


福岡・Zepp Fukuoka/11:00~17:00予定


東京・Zepp DiverCity Tokyo/ 9:00~12:30/14:00~17:00予定


  • サウンドチェック中・開演中(東京追加公演)はDXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUBブースをを閉めさせていただく場合もございます。予めご了承ください。
  • 入会対象期間(5/18~6/9)であれば、会場内のご入会でなくとも問題ございません。
  • 当日の状況によって、引き換え時間等は変更になる場合がございます。
  • ご自身で引き換えボタンを押してしまった場合、ブースでの引き換え前に引き換え完了画面になっている方は、いかなる理由があろうと引き換えできません。あらかじめご了承ください。
  • 特典は在庫がなくなり次第後日発送での対応を予定しております。



公演終了後に"DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB会員様限定"の生配信「〜START OF THE QUEST〜」アフタートークを実施いたします。

ファンクラブ会員の方であればどなたでもご覧いただけますので、「2024 DXTEEN 1ST ONE MAN LIVE TOUR 〜START OF THE QUEST〜」と合わせてお楽しみください!










Notes on ticket sales

Regarding application

  • The conditions under which you can apply are different for each advance. Please be sure to check the application conditions before applying.
  • Applications are limited to one application per person per venue. Up to 4 tickets per performance.
  • A lottery will be held for those who purchase DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB in advance to attend a sound check at a later date.
  • Each person will be required to bring one ticket to enter this performance, so if you have applied for two or more tickets, please be sure to distribute the tickets to your companions using the DXTEEN OFFICIAL APP.
  • Please make sure that your companions also have smartphones that are compatible with the recommended environment for the DXTEEN OFFICIAL APP.
    At the time of admission, everyone will be asked to obtain Plus member ID in advance, as they will be distributed to their companions. If you are using DXTEEN OFFICIAL FANCLUB or already have one, there is no need to obtain a new one.
  • You can apply for each venue individually and select your first to second choice (optional) seats, and there will be no duplicate winnings for performances on the same date and time.
  • Duplicate applications for the same performance may be invalidated.
  • Even if you win/purchase more than one ticket, we will refuse entry to anyone other than you (the name displayed on the ticket). In addition, information cannot be changed, tickets cannot be canceled, refunded, or refunded in any way.
  • The applicant's name (name registered in the fan club or name registered in Plus member ID) will be displayed on the ticket. When applying, please be sure to use the visitor's name.
  • We will not accept name changes after application. The name displayed on the ticket is registered information linked to Plus member ID at the time of application.
    Transfers between family members or friends are strictly prohibited. We will not accept changes for any reason, so please be careful not to make any mistakes or omissions when applying.
  • If illegal sales are discovered, you will be refused entry. In that case, we will not be able to refund tickets or cover transportation expenses.

Application for those living overseas

  • If you are an overseas member, please apply from the "[Overseas Members] Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course" that will be displayed after tapping "Click here to apply" on the reception page.
  • Electronic tickets can also be used on smartphones overseas. The phone number you enter on the application screen can be an overseas phone number.
    *If you are unable to receive your electronic ticket even after the ticket receipt start date, please contact Ticketpla Customer Support from the link below.
  • If you live overseas and do not have a Japanese mobile number, you can use your overseas smartphone, but SMS functionality is required.
  • Chikepla Trade is a service for domestic use in Japan, and those who do not have a domestic account cannot list items. Please note.

About electronic tickets

  • Tickets for this performance will be issued electronically through the "DXTEEN OFFICIAL APP."
  • Electronic tickets are scheduled to be received two weeks before each performance date. (Seating information will be displayed on the day of the performance.)
  • If the accompanying person does not have a smartphone, their tickets will be displayed on the applicant's device and they will be able to enter at the same time as the applicant. Please bring a valid ID as you may be asked to confirm your Japanese identity.
  • If you arrive at the venue with undistributed tickets, it may take some time to enter the venue. Please be sure to allocate tickets, register your companions on the DXTEEN OFFICIAL APP, and receive tickets before your visit.
  • If you are unable to participate due to unavoidable reasons, please use official trading.

Entry method/identity verification

  • The applicant's name will be displayed on the ticket, and the identity of the visitor (applicant and accompanying person) may be verified upon entering each venue. If we cannot verify your identity, we will refuse entry regardless of the reason.
  • When visiting the venue, applicants must be sure to bring a valid ID* that can confirm the name written on the ticket.
  • The name registered in Plus member ID at the time of application will be displayed on the ticket. Only the person registered with Plus member ID at the time of application will be allowed to enter. No changes will be accepted for any reason. When applying, please be careful not to make any mistakes or omissions.
  • You cannot change the name of your application. If the last name registered in each OFFICIAL FANCLUB changes due to various circumstances, please contact us with the details below.
    > here
    *On the day of the performance, please bring an ID with your new name written on it.

Other notes

  • All advance tickets will be drawn by lottery. It is not a first-come, first-served basis, so please check the notes regarding the performance during the application period and make sure to apply. After the reception ends, a strict lottery will be held from all applicants who have applied to determine the winners.
  • Immediately after the reception starts and near the end of the reception, it may be difficult to connect due to the concentration of access. Please complete the application process with plenty of time in advance.
  • We cannot respond to any inquiries/requests regarding seats.
  • When purchasing tickets or visiting the venue, you may be asked to provide your emergency contact information.
  • Please note that we may provide your personal information in response to requests from national institutions, local governments, etc. The information you provide will not be used for any purpose other than the purpose stated above.
  • Regarding performances, no cancellations, changes, or refunds are allowed after ticket purchase, regardless of the reason. As an exception, if a performance is cancelled, we may provide you with a refund.
  • A special area will be provided for those arriving in wheelchairs. If you are interested, please purchase a 1st floor standing ticket and contact us at least 5 days before the performance. Please note that there is a limited number of wheelchair seats.

Other notes

About resale/transfer

  • Tickets purchased at this reception desk may not be resold to a third party for any reason. Providing/transferring to a third party for resale is also prohibited. Additionally, purchasing tickets for the purpose of resale is strictly prohibited.
  • Resale activities include auction listings, winning bids, online sales, ticket shops, purchasing agents, scalpers, and malicious third parties.
  • If we discover that the item is being exhibited at auction or resold at a high price, we will refuse entry to the seller and purchaser. In addition, if resale, etc. is confirmed, we may verify the identity of the person holding the relevant seat on the day of the performance. If we are unable to verify your identity, we may refuse entry.
  • Tickets sold at the reception for this performance (box office admission tickets) are designated as ``Special Performance Admission Tickets,'' and transfers for a price exceeding the sales price of the promoter without permission from the organizer are prohibited. Masu.
  • Under no circumstances will the organizer be responsible for any trouble that may occur due to the resale or transfer of tickets.

Notes regarding performances

  • This performance will be held while following the guidelines set by the government and local governments. Please follow the entrance/exit flow and viewing rules set by the organizer.
  • Performance dates, opening/starting times, performers, etc. are subject to change at short notice.
  • In the case of bad weather, the performance may be canceled or the content may be changed. If a performance is held, we will not be able to provide a refund even if you are unable to attend due to natural disasters. Please note.
  • Please note that we cannot provide refunds even if there are changes to the performance content or performers. Transportation and accommodation costs to the venue will be borne by each individual.
  • In the future, the content of the information may change in accordance with the guidelines and guidelines provided by the government and local governments.
  • All visitors are requested to carefully read the precautions listed on this page and cooperate in complying with the precautions. Also, please be sure to follow the precautions specified on DXTEEN's official website and official fan club.
  • Those who violate or fail to comply with the precautions set by the organizer may be refused entry or asked to leave. If you are a fan club member, please note that you may be asked to withdraw from the fan club, and in that case, you will not be able to receive a refund of your membership fee or annual membership fee.
  • Waiting for performers to enter or exit is prohibited. Disturbing or dangerous behavior may lead to cancellation of the performance. We appreciate your cooperation in guiding the staff at the venue.
  • At the time of admission, the ID of visitors (applicants and accompanying persons) may be checked. If we cannot verify your identity, we will refuse entry regardless of the reason. Please be sure to bring a valid ID.
  • If you have lost or forgotten your ticket, you will not be able to enter the venue for any reason. Also, please note that it cannot be reissued.
  • There are no cloakrooms where you can leave your luggage at the venue. Please manage your luggage and valuables at your own risk. The organizer is not responsible for any damage such as theft or loss.
  • Support goods (fans, etc.) during performances must not be of such height or size that they may interfere with the performance or the viewing of other customers, and must not be used in a manner that causes a nuisance.
  • Detailed information on how to enter on the day of the performance, as well as precautions and the latest information on infectious disease prevention, will be posted on this special website and official SNS from time to time, so please be sure to read them before visiting.

Regarding recording, recording, and photography

  • Bringing photography and recording equipment (cameras, binoculars with shooting function, recorders, video recording equipment such as video recording equipment) into the venue, taking photos with cameras and mobile phones inside the venue, shooting videos, recording audio, live streaming ( Acts such as live broadcasting (audio/video) are completely prohibited in order to protect the artist's rights.
  • Due to the frequent occurrence of voyeurism and eavesdropping using smartphones and binoculars, if a smartphone or binoculars are used during the performance, a staff member may ask you to check if your smartphone is stuck out of your bag or pocket, or if you are using a smartphone or binoculars. Yes. Please set your smartphone to silent mode and store it securely in your bag.
  • Please note that if we find anyone being photographed or recorded, their equipment will be immediately confiscated and you will be asked to leave the venue. The organizer and artists are not responsible for any accidents, thefts, etc. that occur due to failure to follow staff instructions.
  • Please note that in this case, there will be no refunds for ticket prices, etc.
  • Any behavior that disrupts the work of venue staff may be recorded or photographed in order to maintain order at the venue. Please note.
  • On the day of the performance, a video and photo camera will be installed. Please note that your appearance may be reflected in the image.

Regarding fan letters/presents/flowers

  • We do not accept gifts, celebratory flowers, stand flowers, fan letters, etc. for performers. Please note that we will refuse your order if it arrives at the venue.

Regarding support goods and volunteer projects

  • Commercialize products using materials other than DXTEEN's support advertisements (photos released from official sites and fan clubs, photos used in magazines, etc., photos taken secretly at performances and other places where photography is not permitted). Please be aware that selling and distributing to an unspecified number of people is an act of infringing on DXTEEN's portrait rights, regardless of whether the seller is making a profit or not. We ask for your understanding and cooperation in order to protect the artist's portrait.
  • It is prohibited to bring in support goods such as boards other than DXTEEN official goods.
  • However, the following items may be brought into the venue even if they are not official goods.

What you can bring

  • slogan
    *Official fan size: approx. H295 x H420 (mm)

Items that cannot be used or brought in

  • Slogans that use materials other than DXTEEN's support advertisements (characters, photos published from the official website/fan club, photos used in magazines, etc., photos taken secretly at performances or other locations where photography is not permitted, etc.) , fans larger than the official size, boards/sketchbooks, and other unofficial goods (regardless of size), etc.
  • When using cheering goods, please refrain from holding them above your chest height.
  • うちわ、スローガン等、使用の際はご自分の座席からはみ出すことは禁止とさせていただきます。
  • If the staff determines that it will interfere with the performance or cause a nuisance to other customers, we may refuse your use.
  • Decorations on official goods are allowed as long as they fit within the size of each product.
  • Even if we receive a request for permission to carry out a project by a customer volunteer, we cannot mediate, cooperate, or provide support.
  • It is prohibited to sell or distribute unofficial goods using DXTEEN's likeness or name within the venue premises, nearby facilities, or public places. Furthermore, we do not permit any such behavior.
  • In the unlikely event that unauthorized sales/distribution is discovered, we will confiscate the product and verify the identity of the product. If it is determined that the product is a fan club member, we will expel the product and refuse entry to the performance and venue grounds. In more serious cases, we may be forced to take legal action against the voyeur or eavesdropper by photographing or videotaping/recording the person without prior notice to prevent recurrence, as this is considered an illegal act. Please refrain from such actions. Furthermore, unless the number of people purchasing such unofficial goods decreases, it will be difficult to reduce the unauthorized sale and distribution of unofficial goods. We ask for your understanding that this is an act that infringes on the artist's rights.

Requests at the venue

  • Some tickets for this performance will be sold electronically, in order to reduce the chance of contact with paper tickets and to ensure that all attendees' information is registered. When entering the venue, please use your smartphone, etc. by yourself.
  • Tickets for this performance are sold after confirming the names and contact information of the applicant and accompanying person at the time of ticket purchase.
  • As of May 8, 2023, the government's "Basic Policy for Countermeasures against New Coronavirus Infectious Diseases" was abolished. In addition, please make your own judgment.
  • Please refer to the "Infection Control Information" published by the government as a reference for voluntary infection control. (
  • Wearing a mask is left to individual discretion. What performers and staff wear will also be determined by the individual. During the performance, please be considerate of the people around you, including cough etiquette.
  • You may enjoy cheering, cheering, singing, talking, and shouting during the performance without wearing a mask.
  • However, please refrain from speaking at a volume or frequency that may cause discomfort to those around you, and please be careful not to interfere with the viewing experience.
  • During the performance, please either stand or sit in your seat. It is prohibited to leave your seat, run to the front, lean forward, or otherwise get close to other customers in front, rear, left, or right.
  • Crowding of any kind and trading of goods, etc. are prohibited inside and outside the venue.
  • If you feel unwell after entering the venue, please notify the nearest staff member immediately.
  • Please note that our staff will contact any visitors who appear to be feeling unwell. We also ask for your understanding that we may refuse entry depending on the situation.
  • It is prohibited to move or exchange seats unnecessarily during the performance, and please refrain from contacting other attendees or lending or borrowing items.
  • During the performance, eating and drinking for any purpose other than hydration is prohibited. No alcoholic beverages may be brought in/Drinking alcohol is prohibited.
  • Information regarding store operations will be provided at each venue.

Requests upon admission

  • To prevent resale of this performance, tickets must be received through the DXTEEN OFFICIAL APP, and the applicant's name will be displayed on the ticket.
  • If you are unable to display your ticket because you do not have a smartphone or your registration is incomplete, you will be refused entry regardless of the reason.
    *Excludes accompanying persons under the age of 18 who did not have a smartphone at the time of application.
  • Even if you are unable to enter, we will not be able to provide refunds.
  • Identity verification may be conducted on the day of the performance. Identity verification may be performed by both the applicant and the accompanying person. If we cannot confirm your identity or if fraudulent/resale activity is discovered, you will be refused entry.
  • On the day of the performance, to improve safety within the venue, bags will be inspected upon entry. Please note.
  • It is prohibited to bring electronic devices (cameras, binoculars with shooting function, recorders, video recording devices, etc.) and dangerous items into the venue. We will not be able to store your luggage inside the venue, so please leave your suitcases and other luggage in a nearby coin locker in advance, and make sure your luggage is compact before coming to the venue.
  • If you find prohibited items, please follow the staff's instructions. You will be allowed to enter the venue once we have confirmed that there are no prohibited items.
  • There will be no temperature checks upon entry. Please take care of your own health.
  • After leaving the venue, please move quickly and do not stay around the venue.

Prohibited matter

  • Those who fall under the following may be refused entry.
  • Those who are unable to comply with precautions and requests, or those who are judged to be a hindrance to ensuring safety. Additionally, if such behavior is discovered during the performance, you will be asked to leave the venue midway through the performance.
  • Those who are under the influence of alcohol. If the staff determines that you are under the influence of alcohol, you will be refused entry. Please refrain from drinking alcohol before coming to the venue, as alcohol consumption may cause your body temperature to rise. Also, bringing in alcohol is prohibited.

Regarding sales of goods, CDs, DVDs, etc.

  • Regarding venue sales and EC sales of concert goods, we will inform you as soon as the details are decided.
  • When selling concert goods, etc. at the venue, we will separately inform you of precautions regarding the sales area.

Valid ID (all with photo/copies not allowed/within expiry date)

  • Copying of everything is not allowed. Please bring the actual item within the expiry date.

If you have a photo of your face, please bring one. This includes:

2. Driving license/International driving license
3. Official license with photo (marine, aviation, architect, etc.)
4.Basic resident register card
5.Physical disability certificate
6.Residence card or special permanent resident certificate
7. My Number Card (notification card is not accepted)
8.Welfare notebook
9.Photo insurance card
10.Student ID card with photo
11.Rehabilitation notebook

  • If you have any official identification other than those listed in (1) to (11) above, please contact Chikepura customer support at least 2 days before the performance.
  • If you do not have any of the above items (1) to (11) or what appears to be an official identification card, please bring the documents <If you do not have one with a photo>.
  • When using your personal number card (My Number Card) as an identification card, please present only the front side (the one with the photo). Please be careful not to present the back side (the side with your personal number printed on it). Please note that we do not look at the back of your personal number card (My Number Card) when verifying your identity.
  • Individual number (My Number) notification cards (paper cards with an individual number printed on them without a photo) cannot be used as identification.
  • Please note that student ID cards for those over 19 years old will not be accepted, even if they have a photo of the person's face.
  • If you have a student ID/insurance card that does not have a photo on it, please see <If you do not have one with a photo>.
  • Please note that we will not accept identity verification documents that are photocopied, handwritten, expired, or have been altered to make them unusable.

If you do not have a photo ID

Please bring two official documents.
Official documents: insurance card, resident card, family register copy, family register extract, seal registration certificate, pension notebook

  • You cannot enter with just one official ID.
  • Please bring all official certificates in their officially issued condition. Additionally, certificates of residence, certified copies of family registers, and extracts of family registers are valid within six months of issuance.

Please bring one official certificate and at least one document with your name printed on it.
Objects with your name printed on them: employee ID cards, student ID cards without photos, credit cards, cash cards

  • You cannot enter with just one official ID.
  • Utility bills (electricity/water, etc.) and various mail items are invalid even if your name is printed on them.

Items not accepted as ID

Copies of the above, handwritten copies, expired ones, various point cards, utility bills such as electricity, water, gas, etc., and various postal items.
It is prohibited by law to lend or borrow your health insurance card. The use of fraudulent or forged identification documents are all criminal acts.