[Monthly Membership Fee Bundle Payment Course] About continuation

I have auto-renewal, but when will the expiration date be renewed?

Automatic continuation of credit card payments will be processed on the last day of the membership expiration month (if the last day falls on a weekend or holiday, the day before that).
When continuing, payment will be made with the credit card registered as of the 20th of the membership expiration month.

You cannot change your credit card information between the 21st of the membership expiration month and the end of the month.
If you wish to change your registered credit card or stop automatic renewal
, please follow the procedure [by the 20th of the membership expiration month].

* You can check and change the card information used for automatic renewal payment from [Check/Change/Stop card information] on »MY PAGE.
*[Confirm/change/suspend card information] will not be displayed on MY PAGE of those who have stopped automatic renewal.
*If you stop automatic renewal, you cannot set "automatic renewal" from MY PAGE.

After logging in, you can check the "membership expiration date" on »MY PAGE.
After completing the procedure, be sure to check whether the membership expiration date has been extended.

If you do not receive the continuation procedure completion email, please read here.
*You cannot resend the email.

In addition, even if it becomes impossible to continue with the registered credit card,
You can renew your membership within one month after the membership expiration date.
»Click here for details


If the above example does not solve your problem, please contact us using the form below.

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